Will of Wheel?

Sounds the same right?

WILL - used to express desire, choice, willingness, consent, or in negative constructions refusal. It is  used to express frequent, customary, or habitual action or natural tendency or disposition. It is used to express futurity, capability or sufficiency, probability. It is used to express determination, insistence, persistence, or willfulness. It is used to express a command, exhortation, or injunction. -- Merriam Webster

WHEEL -symbolizing the inconstancy of fortune, a recurring course, development, or action, a cycle. A curving or circular movement,  rotation or turn. A directing or controlling force. -- Merriam Webster

Jesus is your Brother

  “Whoever does the will of God  is my brother and sister and mother.”  (Mark 3:35) God's family is inclusive and open to everyone who b...